OSRS vs IRL: Top Crazy places for OSRS tattoos

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OSRS tattoos, OSRS crazy location tattoos, maenmiu logo

Old School RuneScape tattoos are common amongst scapers. However, most of them are placed on popular tattoo places such as the forearms, the arms, the legs, or the chest. These scapers got their OSRS tattoos in extremely unusual places, also referred to as crazy places. These places are not very common for tattoos, for one reason or another, and from more than 500 OSRS tattoos I’ve seen since I started working on the series, these are the only Old School RuneScape tattoos places in these area of the body.

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OSRS Under the ear tattoo

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Under the ear is a rather uncommon place for a tattoo, because it is fully or partially regardless of clothing. These two scapers happened to get the same OSRS item as a tattoo in the same crazy place, but one got a black version while the other got a colourful one!

OSRS Face tattoo

Old School RuneScape Godsword Tattoo / OSRS tattoo / OSRS Godsword Tattoo, maenmiu logo

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This scaper took it one step further and got their Saradomin Godsword right on their face, another place that’s vastly controversial for tattoos since it cannot be hidden and it will be part of the first impression of all further interactions with other humans, some of who tend to be judgmental on this aspect.

OSRS Scalp Tattoo

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This scaper got a larger in size tattoo of a dragon defender right on their scalp. this is an even more avoided area for tattoos since it naturally humans grows thick hair there. On the bright side if they want to hide it all they have to do is let their hair grow, but if they want to permanently display that beauty they’d have to consistently remove their hair in that area. Luckily, there are laser hair removal treatments that would easily do the job for a cost, but those would be more recommended on skin that wasn’t already tattooed.

OSRS Head Tattoo

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This tattoo features the dragon square shield symbol , located on the side back of the head. The design is done in a minimalistic and fine-line style, with simple, clean lines forming the shield symbol. The tattoo follows the pixelated look typical of OSRS graphics, using basic geometric shapes to recreate the in-game symbol outline. The placement on the head integrates the tattoo into a larger composition of other tattoos, emphasizing its small, understated appearance. The black ink line work keeps the design clear and easy to recognize, staying true to the original pixel art concept.

OSRS Fingers tattoos

OSRS god symbol tattoo, Bandos tattoo, armadyl tattoo, guthix tattoo, serene tattoo, zamorak tattoo, zaros, maenmiu logo

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Fingers are generally speaking less common for tattoos, since the pain when making them is worse and they could fade faster since they are on permanently exposed skin. However, finger tattoos are not that uncommon for OSRS tattoos and here are some other scapers who got their own Old School RuneScape finger tattoos.

OSRS Spine tattoo

OSRS runes tattoo, maenmiu logo

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Another crazy place for an absolutely amazing OSRS tattoo is the spine! Even though Rune tattoos are extremely common with over 20 tattoos depicting runes out of more than 500, this is the only scaper who got a RS tattoo on their spine. The placement doesn’t only make the tattoo more unique, but it also gives it an outstanding visual effect!

OSRS Abdomen Tattoo

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This scaper got a dragon med helm on their lower abdomen. While this is not an uncommon place for tattoos in general, it is the only lower abs OSRS tattoo across over 500 tattoos.

OSRS inner lip tattoo

OSRS unexpected tattoo, maenmiu logo

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This unique tattoo is inked on the inside of the lower lip, displaying the text “OSRS”. Rendered in plain black ink, the tattoo is straightforward, using a simple, bold font to clearly convey the acronym. This placement is unusual and often chosen for tattoos that are meant to be more private or surprising, as it is not visible during normal interactions. Lower lip tattoos can fade or blur faster than those on other parts of the body due to the moist environment and frequent movement within the mouth. This tattoo represents a playful and personal expression of a passion, hidden away inside the mouth.

OSRS Back of the Neck Tattoo

OSRS unexpected tattoo, maenmiu logo

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This Zaros symbol is placed centrally on the back of the neck which alongside the colouring and precise technique make the visual effect purely stunning. It combines a dark purple and pink color scheme that blends seamlessly into the skin. The emblem itself is a fusion of shapes, creating a dynamic interplay of geometry and symbolism, likely personal or inspired by a cultural or fictional reference. The tattoo is medium in size, fitting nicely into the curvature of the neck, making it both subtle and striking. The execution involves a watercolor technique, where the colors softly bleed into one another, giving it a fluid, ethereal appearance.

OSRS Neck tattoo

OSRS boss tattoo, Old School RuneScape tattoo, maenmiu logo

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This scaper got a very colourful tattoo on the front of their neck, which is also known as a throat tattoo. The tattoo displays an eyed version of the Chaos elemental boss and it’s boldly applied in one of the craziest locations for OSRS tattoos, being the only throat tattoo in over 500 samples.

OSRS Face Tattoo

OSRS weapon tattoo, Old School RuneScape tattoo, maenmiu logo

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This scaper got a Scythe on their fac. The tattoo spreads from above their eyebrow to their jawline. even though face tattoos have gained a lot of popularity in the recent years, they are still very much a controversial topic especially because they are always exposed and hard to hide.

OSRS Torso Side Tattoo

Old School RuneScape Godsword Tattoo / OSRS tattoo / OSRS Godsword Tattoo, maenmiu logo

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While not generally uncommon, this Godsword tattoo is one of the few OSRS tattoos created on the side of the torso, probably proof that scapers in general had enough of the Torso grind at BA minigame.

OSRS Feet side tattoos

Old School RuneScape Godsword Tattoo / OSRS tattoo / OSRS Godsword Tattoo, maenmiu logo

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These two scapers got their own side of the feet godsword tattoos. This place is very uncommon for tattoos since it is extremely discreet and one of the most painful places to get a tattoo on.

OSRS Palm Tattoo

OSRS dragon dagger tattoo, Old School RuneScape tattoo, maenmiu logo

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This scaper got their dragon dagger on their palm, an unusual place for tattoos because of the possible fading and because it is a very exposed area.

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