Quick Load Guide: How to pick up flowers in OSRS

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quick load guide how to pick up flowers in osrs, maenmiu logo

I had no clue that one Old School RuneScape activity is picking up flowers and that one might even profit from this, with currently over a mil per hour profit rates according to the wiki. I accidentally found this one when I got this strange stackable drop called adamant seed during a Bingo event. The process of picking up flowers in OSRS is quite simple and straight forward, though there are a few details you should know if you’re wondering how to pick up flowers in OSRS, and not through the Farming skill.

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Requirements for picking up flowers in OSRS

There is absolutely no level or skill requirement or gear restriction for this activity. A brand new character could do this provided they have the GP to buy the seeds. You won’t be using the Farming skill or a farming patch, as you can plant and pick up flowers almost anywhere, nor will you need a spade or a seed dibbler. The only thing you need is seeds.

Seeds for picking up flowers in OSRS

While there are various flower seeds that can be planted in flower patches in OSRS, to plant and pick up flowers almost anywhere, you will need adamant or mithril seeds for these pickable flowers. You can obtain these seeds either from the Wilderness, the Legends’ Guild shop, or from the Grand Exchange, depending on which you are trying to get. The flowers and the rates are the same whether you choose to plant and pick the flowers from either mithril or adamant seeds.

Mithril seeds

You can buy mithril seeds directly from the Legends’ guild shop after starting the Legends’ Quest. You’ll also receive some upon completing the waterfall quest (they stayed in my bank for years and I had no clue what they are or how I got them and couldn’t plant them at GE or in a patch, but they didn’t bother me as much as to google it). Alternatively, you can also buy them at the GE.

Adamant seeds

You can get adamant seeds only as a drop from the zombie pirates in the Wilderness or by opening their chest (zombie pirate locker). The activity is dangerous so only take what you’re willing to lose

Picking up flowers

After you got either mithril or adamant seeds, empty your inventory and find a grass spot near a bank. A good spot is the bank in Catherby or near Camelot. Hold 1 and click on the seeds stack each time you pick up a flower and your character moves a tile. This will make your character automatically pick up the flowers. Your character will automatically move as long as there is enough space or there is a free tile nearby, similarly to how it works when training firemaking.

Unless you pick them up on the spot, or if you accidentally press 2 instead of 1 or move away from the flower, you will no longer be able to pick them up. When you pick up the flowers you have a chance to receive one of the nine types of flowers at various rates.

Flower types

There are nine flower types which sell on the GE at various prices based on their rarity. White and black flowers are especially valuable since they can only be obtained from these seeds at 1 in 500 and 1 in 1k rates. Flowers are used to make imp repellant and this is why they will always have some value:

  • Mixed flowers 11/6.67
  • Red flowers 11/6.67
  • Yellow flowers 11/6.67
  • Blue flowers 11/6.67
  • Orange flowers 11/6.67
  • Purple flowers 11/6.764948
  • Assorted flowers 11/10.01
  • Black flowers 11/500.5
  • White flowers 11/1,001

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