Menu entry swapper is one of the most useful built in plugins for RuneLite. It can be used in many scenarios to help you be more efficient when grinding in Old School RuneScape and play the game with a different quality of life experience.
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Runecrafting through the Abyss
Runecraft is one of the most tedious skills, but it can be profitable. Many choose to train Runecraft either through the dedicated minigame or by making runes through the Abyss. If you pick the riskier option you’ll need to right click the mage and ask him to teleport you every single time and the menu entry swapper can make this process slightly less tedious if you tick the teleport to abyss box in the NPC part of the configuration menu.
Barbarian fishing
Barbarian fishing is one of the fastest ways to train this very slow skill, but because it is so popular and with a relatively low level requirement (level 48 Fishing and level 15 Agility and Strength) the fish you get are worth a very small amount of GP. This makes banking pointless as you’d probably spend more on teleport charges than gain by depositing the fish and this is way the vast majority of players choose to simply drop the fish. Mobile offers the tap to drop option and there are several ways you can mimic that on RuneLite. One of them is through the menu entry swapper plugin.
Open the configuration menu for the menu entry swapper plugin and make sure the “customizable left-click” is ticked. After fishing a full inventory, shift-right click each type of fish and choose drop on the left click, then enjoy dropping them without holding shift. There’s another way to do this by using the in built keyboard.
Woodcutting teak
Woodcutting teak is one of the best ways to train Woodcutting and the cost of teak logs makes banking an unnecessary pain. Like with barb fishing, make sure the “customizable left-click” is ticked then simply shift right click the teak logs and select drop for left click. Then you’ll easily drop them in one click without having to hold shift down
Mining Iron
While mining iron is not as popular these days because of the good XP per hour from mining stars, if you choose to mine iron as a training method and you’re not doing it in the mining guild where you can bank it you can make it easier to drop it the same way as for teak or barb fishing.
In Tombs of Amascut, the menu entry swapper is almost a must for a few quality of life upgrades. You can customize the pick up and rotate for the mirrors, but the real game changer is customizing the left click for the withdraw 1 from the supplies (do this with the shift right click menu of the item to select)
Birdhouse runs
For the birdhouse runs simply enable the option in the configuration menu, under object swap.
Construction training
Quite recently the menu entry swapper became legal for Construction training, and it is a real game changer. You can left click to build and remove which makes the whole process smoother. Here’s a full guide on how to set it up.
Prayer training
One of the most annoying things that can happen when relaxing with some Prayer training is burying the bones instead of using them on the altar. You can prevent this with the men7u entry swapper by ticking the “bury” option under item swaps.
Pickpocketing elves / vyres
While pickpocketing knights of Ardougne is easy just with hiding the attack option, vyres and elves have a talk-to interaction that has you right click then left click. With the menu entry swapper you can click half as much if you select the pickpocket option as your left click from the shift right click menu.
Teleport items
Another great use is on teleport items such as the explorer’s ring, ardougne cape, teleport crystal, drakan medalion, morytania legs, or any other teleport item you frequently use.
Private instance
Another custom menu entry swapper you can use is to access private instances for bosses like the Kraken, KBD, or even the previous dream for the Nightmare zone.