Unlike other games, in Old School RuneScape your inventory is limited to only 28 slots and it cannot be increased. While you can hold items in noted form when you need to carry many of the same type around, inventory management is a great concern which you’ll face regardless of the activity you’re doing. While you cannot expand your inventory in any way, there are items you can use in specific situations that can carry other items. This way you can save some precious inventory slots.
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Rune pouch | 2 saved inventory spaces
This is by far the most used inventory space saving item and you’ll use it for so many activities. The rune pouch is an essential item and you can either grind for it or buy it in noted form on the GE. You can hold three stacks of different runes in it to save to inventory slots.
Divine Rune Pouch | 3 saved inventory spaces
The upgraded version of the rune pouch which you can get from Tombs of Amascut will help you save three inventory slots at once since you’ll be able to hold four stacks of runes. Besides high combat you’ll also need 75 crafting to obtain this one!
Gem bag | 300 saved inventory spaces
The gem bag is an untradeable which you can get from the motherload mine. Especially useful for some Slayer tasks, mining stars, or mining gem rocks, the pouch can save you many inventory slots since it can hold 60 of each gem for a total of 300.
Coal bag | 26 saved inventory spaces
This is a very niched inventory space saving item since you’ll only be able to use it in very specific situations where you need to collect or transport coal. Mainly used at the Blast furnace this item will give you an additional 27 spaces where you can hold coal.
Bolt pouch | 1-2 saved inventory spaces
The Bolt pouch is another very niched inventory space saving item that you’ll only use when you need to carry various ammunition like different types of bolts, rada’s blessing, and a myth grapple. You can only access it after you unlock Keldagrim and you’ll be able to simply pay 1500 coins to an NPC to get it. Sadly this one doesn’t work too well with the new items from Varlamore like Dizana’s quiver or sunlight antler bolts. A decent use is for it is afking Skeletal Wyverns which drop two types of bolts (adamant and runite) while wearing Rada’s blessing. Another decent use is killing Kree-arra with a crossbow if you want to kill the GWD monsters with a different type of bolts than Kree since you will also need a mithril grapple.
Plank sack | 27 saved inventory spaces
The Plank sack is very useful for Mahogany Homes and for various other construction tasks, especially when building multiple STASH units or upgrading your own POH and sometimes even during questing. It can hold up to 28 planks, saving you 27 inventory spaces. You can get it from the Mahogany Homes minigame which you should only approach as an ironman, otherwise I’d recommend using this lowest effort method that was made available only after Jagex legalized the menu entry swapper for Construction.
Flamtaer bag | 120 saved inventory spaces
This inventory saving item is extremely niched, mainly used for building the temple in Morton. It can hold 60 timber beams, 60 limestone bricks and a stack of 500 swamp paste.
Coffin | 27 saved inventory spaces
The coffin is a tradeable inventory space saving item that’s used for storing shade remains. You’ll need to get the coffin itself from an NPC, but then you can get the locks used to upgrade the coffin from the GE. Unless you’re an ironman, you should always go for the gold lock that will upgrade your coffin to hold 28 shade remains at a time. The other locks will allow you to hold a smaller amount of remains. Whether you’re burning the shade remains for keys and XP or whether you’re killing and collecting shade remains as a means to earn GP, the coffin will help you save up to 27 Inventory spaces.
Seed box | 5 saved inventory spaces
The seed box is another underrated inventory space saving item that will help you greatly in various situations. You can only get it from the Tithe farm mini game and the grind for it can take hours, but it is the perfect tool for long trips at Kurasks, wyverns, moss giants, and other monsters or bosses that drop a variety of seeds. The seed box is also purrfect for herb runs and for holding your precious seeds in one slot in the bank, saving 5 slots at once.
Herb sack | 419 saved inventory spaces
The herb sack is complementary to the seed box and it will let you store grimy herbs. Perfect for herb runs and killing creatures that drop unnoted herbs, the herb sack can hold up to 420 herbs. At full capacity it will help you save 419 inventory spaces.
Fish barrel | 27 saved inventory spaces
The Fish barrel is a Tempoross unique that’s really useful whenever you train fishing and want to save the fish instead of using a click drop method or tackling Tempoross himself. the barrel will let you store up to 28 fish saving you 27 inventory slots.
Essence pouch | 39 saved inventory spaces
The essence pouch is essential for the Runecraft skill, even if you choose to train it at the Guardians of the Rift minigame. There are 5 varieties of this with the largest one (Colossal pouch) holding 40 essences. Each of them is locked behind a certain Runecraft level and the Colossal is locked behind obtaining an untradeable unique item from the minigame: the abyssal needle.
Log basket | 27 saved inventory spaces
The log basket holds up to 28 logs, giving you an extra 27 slots in your inventory. It is untradeable so you’ll have to train your woodcutting before you can get this one, but it is not locked behind a specific level.
Fur pouch | 27 saved inventory spaces
The fur pouch comes in three sizes and the largest of them can hold up to 28 furs. It’s locked behind level 60 Crafting and depending oin your hunting habits it might be worth getting.
Meat pouch | 27 saved inventory spaces
The meat pouch comes in two varieties: a small pouch that can hold up to 14 meat and a large one that can hold up to 28. You’ll need 35 crafting for the small one and 60 crafting for the large one along a few easy to obtain items. However, neither are tradeable so you’ll need to make them yourself.
Looting bag | 27 saved inventory spaces
The looting bag is especially useful when you do content in the Wilderness. You can only use it inside the Wilderness to deposit anything, and you can only withdraw at a bank. it can hold up to 28 items saving you a total of 27 inventory slots if used at maximum capacity. It is not tradeable, but it is easy to obtain.