Quick Load Guide: Relic Dependent AKF XP in Raging Echoes

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afk activities in OSRS Raging Echoes with relics split screen, maenmiu logo

Besides the classic AFK activities in Leagues Raging Echoes, you will also be able to get relic specific AFK unlocks that will let you AFK for up to 20 minutes and gain loads of XP. And after grinding hard to get those points, AFKing something can feel like getting back your life and giving you the time to do your stretches or any other activity you might want, without any XP waste for leagues.

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Stars for Mining and Crafting XP

Mining stars will give you mining and crafting XP if you chose the Power miner Relic. They are not region locked, but they are sporadic so it is possible you won’t always have a star to AFK on. You can afk here for up to 7 minutes at a time.


Without the power miner relic, stars are still the best AFK mining XP. With the Relic, but without an active star, the next best alternative for Mining XP is going for the daeyalt or pure essence and bank some runecraft XP. Paired with the banker’s note relic this can give you fast and easy XP. Keep in mind that daeyalt essence is locked behind Morytania and you’ll only be able to afk for up to 60 seconds at a time because the pillars change, but you’ll also get passive crafting XP, especially while wearing an amulet of glory. The pure essence mine is not region locked and will allow you to mine for up to 20 minutes, but you wont get any passive crafting XP.

Karambwans for Fishing and Cooking XP

With the animal wrangler relic you’ll be able to gain fishing and cooking XP fully AFK for 20 minutes after you complete the Tai Bwo Wannai quest and get 65 Fishing. Before 65 you’ll be able to afk for shorter periods of time, but at 65 you’ll unlock Karambwans and their spot doesn’t move, enabling you to afk for 20 minutes or till you get logged out. The relic will automatically cook and send the fish to the bank so you won’t have to worry about banking or managing your inventory.


Alternatively, if you don’t have this relic, you can afk for around 1 minute at Karambwans and use the banker’s note instead of banking. However, you wont get any cooking XP unless you manually cook the Karambwans.

High Alchemy for Magic Golden God Relic

With the Golden God relic you won’t have to worry about runes or magic XP. The high alchemy spell will be automatically recast on your stack giving you loads of magic XP.


The best alternative for Magic XP without the golden God relic is of course splashing! You can check this guide on splashing if you don’t know how that works!

Dodgy Deals for Thieving XP

With the Dodgy deals relic you have loads of options for Thieving XP. Mainly pickpoketing NPCs since stalls won’t give you noted items. While pickpocketing can bring you amazing benefits like most tiers clue scrolls if you unlocked Kandarin, it can also bring you 20 minutes of AFK time if you unlock Asgarnia. The only NPCs that won’t stop you from pickpocketing either cuz you’ve reached the limit on coin pouches or because they have filled your inventory are Tzaar-hur, but you’ll need to unlock Asgarnia and get a pair of ice gloves.

Alternatively, by unlocking Kandarin and completing the medium, hard, and elite diaries, you will further extend how many coin pouches you can hold further extending your AFK periods for pickpocketing all of the other NPCs except Thaars and master farmers.


Without the dodgy deals relic, a fair alternative is unlocking the Desert area and going for the Sorceress garden for AFK thieving XP.

Prayer XP Golden God Relic

With a big enough coin stack you can afk prayer for up to 20 minutes at any altar provided you unlocked the Golden God relic. There’s no real alternative to this other than the classic prayer methods, which can still give you 2-3 minutes of AFK time after you collect the bones.

Slayer XP Slayer Master Relic

With the slayer master relic you’ll be able to afk various monsters and bosses for infinite Slayer XP since everything will be considered your task, so any monster or boss you can afk will become a source of slayer XP.

Free Farming XP Overgrown Relic

With the overgrown relic you’ll gain loads of farming XP as long as you have seeds in your vault. It’s more passive XP than AFK XP, but it is worth mentioning here!

More AFK methods

Besides these relic specific methods and their alternatives, you can also engage in the classic AFK activities like chopping magic trees for Woodcutting XP, monkey tails for Hunter, or fletching magic longbows for Fletching. Keep in mind that these will only let you afk for up to 2 minutes, so they might not be the best bet if you’re looking for a break from leagues.

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