OSRS Clan Spotlight: Old School Runescape – Drop Parties

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Old School RuneScape clans have been an unofficial thing for as long as the game existed, but in 2021 Jagex made it official and introduced the new clan system. While there are various platforms where you can find OSRS clans if you want to join one, this new OSRS Clan Spotlight series will bring you a different insight into what to expect from some of the top OSRS clans, with unique interviews with the clan leadership.

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Old School Runescape – Drop Parties

Name: Old School RuneScape – Drop Parties
Language: English
Size: 4k FB, 600 Discord
Creation: Mid 2020 Restrictions: None

This week’s clan spotlight shines bright on Old School RuneScape – Drop Parties, a family like big community with a four years history behind that has helped many members become better humans and has touched many lives. Termination, the leader of the community, agreed to answer the clan spotlight questions!

What inspired you to start your own clan in OSRS?

It really all started one day when I was going through one of the RS Facebook groups and I saw something about the Falador Party Room. I remember the excitement of my first time in that room, running around frantically, trying to get a prize before they got scooped up. Then the thrill again when all the bankers all over the world would start chanting when the chest was full of expensive items and the whole world would run to the room to try and get some. It took me back to the old times and I wanted everyone to have that nostalgic feeling again. We’re all adults now, have responsibilities and some of us really need a win. Therefore, I said screw it and took 10m to the Grand Exchange and bought random items to fill up two inventories, made a post on an FB page and did a party! We had 200 people show up and it was crazy fun. Everyone was so happy to be there, even if they didn’t win anything. It made me happy to do something that brought that much joy, so I did it again, and again and again… and again. It came to a point where I was doing multiple 10m drop parties every day, making a post on that group for it and just sending it to the room. It was great fun for a week or so, but I actually started getting some backlash from some people who said they were ‘tired of this guy and his drop parties’. Right? I spoke to the admins of the group and they were split amongst themselves about it, so I said screw it, anyone that enjoys the parties can join the new Page I made for it. Thus the FB Drop parties page was born! A few months later, I was seeing a lot of folks asking for a Discord so they could actively chat and the community could actually become, a community. I dwelled on the thought and finally caved, making the Discord on October 27th, 2020.

What differentiates your clan from other clans in OSRS?

We’re about having fun at your own pace, giving things away to members that might need it and keeping our childhood memories alive in our modern schedules. We don’t enforce requirements to join, we don’t require you to play any amount or donate anything to be a part of the community. Our space is a place to play as you feel, take a break for 6 months and come back to a community that will make you feel like you never left. When someone needs help, we help them. It’s about keeping RuneScape alive, the way we remember it.

How would you describe the overall culture and atmosphere of your clan?

Family. That’s really what it is at this point. We’ve had our fights over the years and our ups n’ downs. But everyone that’s in there now is closely knit thanks to it. We joke around almost the entire time, we make fun of each other as any group of friends would, and we’re there for each other when we need support of any kind. It is, by all means- a family.

Can you share a particularly memorable event that your clan has organized?

There was a time we did a 1b drop. It was a wild time, we had hundreds of folks flying through, tons of other clans that got wind and randoms from the GE that we picked up just walking through and advertising the party. We cabbage bombed the Grand Exchange, dropped inventory after inventory of expensive things, and had an absolute ball of a time. It was arguably one of the best event’s I’d ever been a part of.

What types of events and activities does your clan regularly host?

I wouldn’t say we do anything ‘regularly’. We try to throw random parties out of the blue and we do boss together on any random night too. Being an ‘at your own pace’ clan, we really just do things whenever we feel like. We have raffles, pot draws, drop parties, hide and seeks, livestreams, and a weird bunch more, but all in it’s own time.

What events you haven’t done already but are eager to host in the future?

I’d love to host a Castle Wars game one day. With both teams full and just going at it. Man, those were the days!

What’s the biggest drama or conflict you’ve had to deal with as a clan owner, and how did you resolve it?

Mannnn, I hate drama. Everyone that’s been there any decent amount of time, knows how much I hate drama. I’m not going to give it life by bringing it back up, but there was drama on one instance, that was completely avoidable if the initiators had just communicated with the folks they had a problem with. Instead, it just started a rumble amongst members and ended up becoming a giant waste of time and being blown out of proportion. I spoke in private chats to everyone involved, established my stance on everything and gave everyone an ultimatum to stay or go, but the matter was at a close. Some folks left, some were asked to leave and life went on, same as always.

What’s the most wholesome moment you’ve witnessed in your clan?

I can’t single out any particular one, as I’ve witnessed a good number of them over the years. As adults, we have adult problems in our lives that we need adult support for. One of my proudest creations is a place for exactly that. The ‘Let it out’ channel. The purpose of that channel was to give folks an outlet. Heartbreak, financial pressure, stress, death, everything. Anyone that needed a shoulder to cry on or a person to talk to, could take to that channel and let it out, knowing they would be heard. I’ve seen some real community moments in that channel and nothing is ever ignored. Everyone always gets the support they come for and it shows us that we’re more than just kids, playing a game.

What are some of the biggest changes you’ve implemented in the clan over time?

I instilled a rank system for chats, to reward those that are more active in the game. They gain favorable privileges and get random rewards, just for being who they are. Folks that donated often, got privileges to run their own giveaways. Overall, we haven’t changed a ton when it comes to what we are. However I will be overhauling the server in November again, to clean up a lot of the stagnant members and create a new system for folks to win more free stuff.

How do you handle recruitment and ensure new members fit well with the clan’s culture?

Facebook has always been the funnel for the Server. Folks find the page, see the post for the Discord and find their way over. As with anything, there have been bad eggs along the way too. New members are made aware of the clan environment quite immediately after joining. I don’t tolerate any hate in the server at all, everyone is made fun of equally, as I say. On the flipside, I don’t allow folks to come in being soft either. This is a friendly server, but it isn’t anyone else’s responsibility to walk on eggshells because of someone else’s insecurities. Figure your shit out and join in when you’re ready. If you need help, talk to us in the ‘let it out’ channel and you will find we’re just as ready to help as we are to joke around. I’m a big fan of the darkest humor, so it can get quite gnarly, but everyone knows everything is only ever said in good faith. If ever something is too much for someone to handle, they make it known and folks are quick to adapt accordingly.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of being a clan owner for you personally?

Giving people a place to keep their childhood alive, a place to escape to after a long day at work, a place where they can make actual friends and connections that might outlive the server itself. I’ve made friends from the server and I know of multiple instances where members have gotten into relationships with other members as well. It makes me happy to give people a place to just be themselves and spread some joy. That’s always been my goal from the start- encourage people to be better people.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I’m just happy we are who we are, and grateful for the friendships I’ve made in here over the years. I’ve made my mistakes as an admin too, but it’s part of the process. I like comparing who we are today to who we were 4 years ago, it makes me happy to see how every individual has grown.

What’s the best way for players interested in joining your clan to contact you?

Look up ‘Old School Runescape – Drop Parties’ on Facebook. We’re currently around 4k members or so, I think. Join in and hunt around for the Discord, that’s where it all goes down!

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