Quick Load Guide: OSRS’ Bank Space Saving Items

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OSRS bank slot saving item, cover, maenmiu logo

Bank space is crucial in Old School RuneScape with only 400 bank slots for f2p and 800 for members while there are an estimate of 8000 to 12000 different unique items currently in the game. You’ll have to keep only what you use often and find storage solutions or sell everything else. This challenge was an inspiration for one of the game modes, ultimate ironman, who are dealing with exactly this issue at a whole other level by not being able to access a bank. If you do have access to a bank, whether you’re an iron or a main, there are a few items you can use to save space.

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While not exactly an inventory saving item, coins must be mentioned first since you can buy additional bank slots from any banker using coins. Make sure you get your 20-free slots sets (for a total of 60) before buying more bank slots, which are given for:

  • upgrading to a Jagex account
  • setting a bank pin
  • enable the authenticator
OSRS bank slot saving item, maenmiu logo

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The rest of the slots you can buy in sets of 40 for increasing amounts of coins.

Looting Bag

OSRS bank slot saving item, looting bag.

The looting bag is a great tool that can hold up to 28 items and it’s a useful storage method especially if you’re not doing Wilderness content. If you are, then you might be better using it to store stuff you rarely use inside of it. You can store almost anything, but keep in mind you need to be in the Wilderness to fill it so it’s better to keep low cost items that you wanna keep for one reason or another. You can obtain it as a drop from most Wilderness monsters.

Key ring

OSRS bank slot saving item, key ring, maenmiu logo

Another invaluable untradeable item that you’ll obtain after the One small favour quest. It will hold most of the useful keys that you might need later on.

Tackle box

OSRS bank slot saving item, tackle box, maenmiu logo

The tackle box is an absolute game changer, but you’ll need to kill enough Tempoross to get it. Afterwards you can store most fishing related items in there and free some bank slots.

Forestry Kit

OSRS bank slot saving item, forestry kit, maenmiu logo

The forestry kit works in a similar manner. It’s not quite as useful as the tackle box, but you can simply get one for free from the friendly forester in Draynor village or Sears village and store Forestry related items so they don’t hold any precious bank space occupied.

Huntsman’s kit

OSRS bank slot saving item,

The huntsman’s kit is an untreadable drop which you can get from Hunter’s rumours loot sacks. You can store most Hunter equipment, but it will only hold up to 32 at once.

Master scroll book

OSRS bank slot saving item, master scroll book, maenmiu logo

This one you can buy from the GE or obtain from clue scroll caskets as an ironman. You can hold all of the teleport scrolls awarded by clue scroll caskets in there and save up to 16 bank slots.

Seed box

OSRS bank slot saving item, seed box,

The seed box will only save you 6 bank slots and you can only get it from the Tithe farm minigame. However, it is one of the most useful tools since it’s not only a bank space saving item, but also an inventory saving item.

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