Quick Load Guide: Tradeable Quality of life items in OSRS

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OSRS tradeable QOL items

Quality of life is a crucial aspect in Old School RuneScape, and while Jagex is continuously trying to improve the game in this respect and there are loads of plugins that can further help you have a better time, for some quality of life aspects you’ll need specific items in game. Some of them, like the graceful outfit, can only be obtained by grinding a certain activity, while others are more accessible and can be bought from the Grand Exchange because they are tradeable.

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Strange Old Lockpick

This strange old lockpick will help you open any door at Barrows. It increases the KC per hour so you’ll actually make more GP if you use one. It has 50 charges and once you consume them you’ll need to get a new one.

Saradomin’s Light

This is a one and done type of item that will increase the luminosity in the Zamorak fortress so you’ll have better vision when killing Krill.

Clue Box

This is a life saver… well, not really, but it is a clue scroll saver. You’ll still die with it in your inventory, but your clue scroll will be saved. Especially useful for elite and master clue scrolls on Wilderness steps. You will lose the box instead of the scroll and you’ll need another one to protect the clue scroll.

Flamtear hammer and bag

These two are great for the shades of Morton temple activity and they are tradeable. You’ll be able to store timber brims and limestone bricks to extend your trip as well as construct the temple faster.

Rune Pouch note

While you can spend slayer points to get your rune pouch, if you have some GP you should instead buy it in a noted form from the GE and keep your Slayer points for other things. The pouch will hold three stacks of runes saving you two inventory slots.

Bottomless Bucket

The Bottomless bucket is a Hespori unique that is unvaluable for Farming. Putting your compost in the bottomless bucket will double the number of uses saving you GP and it will occupy a single inventory slot

Amulet of bounty

The amulet of bounty is great for planting snape grass or other expensive allotment seeds. It gives you a 1 in 4 chance to use 1 seed instead of three. It uses charges and breaks on depletion so you’ll have to get a new one.

Expeditious bracelet

This is a great item for Slayer tasks as it will let speed up the task. Wearing it, or equipping it before killing a monster will give you a 1 in 4 chance that the monster will count as 2. You’ll have 10 charges per bracelet.

Bracelet of slaughter

This one is for Slayer tasks you like and want to extend. The bracelet of slaughter will give you a 1 in 4 chance that the Slayer monster you kill won’t count towards completing the task, but give you the Slayer XP. It contains 10 charges.

Ring of Forging

This ring also works with charges and it is very useful if you want to smelt iron ore. Each one has 140 charges an one is consumed for every iron bar. You have a 50 percent chance to create an iron bar without it and 100 percent chance while wearing one.

Ring of endurance

Even though quite expensive the ring of endurance is a huge quality of life that will make your stamina potions last twice as long and restore twice as much run energy, making you sip from your stamina less often. It is extremely useful for any activities that heavily rely on the use of stamina pots such as smithing at the blast furnace.

Eternal teleport crystal

This item will give you infinite teleports to Lleita and Prifdinas. No need to worry about charges. You can buy the enhanced teleport crystal seed from the GE along other crystal seeds which you can convert to shards then use the shards on the seed to create the eternal teleport crystal.

Ring of wealth

The ring of wealth is a very cheap quality of life item you can get via the GE. Bssides the useful teleports, if you equip it, you’ll automatically collect the coins you drop while killing monsters, including numulite or tokkul.


Another tradeable ring that will improve your quality of life. This one will make your special attack charge faster and while for combat it has very niched uses, for skilling it is a quality of life upgrade if combined with dragon or crystal tools. Whenever you train your fishing, woodcutting, or mining you’ll be able to boost your level more often and increase the XP per hour you get consequently.

Prayer scrolls

There are three prayer scrolls which you can all obtain from CoX or buy via the grand exchange and they all unlock a specific prayer:

  • Arcane prayer scroll – for the Augury prayer
  • Dexterous prayer scroll – for the Rigour prayer
  • Torn prayer scroll – for the Preserve prayer

They are all consumed as you learn their respective prayers and can’t be used twice per player.

Dodgy Necklace

The dodgy necklace is another charged piece of jewelry thats super useful when pickpocketing as it will lower the chance of getting stunned and damaged when you fail to pickpocket, so you can continue thieving right after a failed attempt

Teleport anchoring scroll

This is a rather new item that’s amazing for killing abyssal demons and elder chaos druids as it will prevent them from teleporting you. Once consumed the scroll is useless and you cannot use two on the same account.


There are three types of salts you can buy from the grand exchange and together with the right construction level and other construction materials you can build eternal fires. Each fire has a unique effects such as acting as a permanent light source, having the food in your inventory not rot in the mort myre swamp, or not getting your stats lowered at the GWD entrance.

Master scroll book

You know all those paper like teleports you get generally from clue scrolls or from the GE? You can store them all inside the master scroll book and free some very precious bank slots. That’s without minimizing the importance of the convenience of having them all with you in one inventory slot.

Perfected Quetzal whistle

This is another 2024 item that was launched together with the Hunters’ Guild. You can buy the bueprint from the GE to make it and then charge it for up to 50 charges that will teleport you close to the Hunters’ guild

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