OSRS Clan Spotlight: Mystix

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Old School RuneScape clans have been an unofficial thing for as long as the game existed, but in 2021 Jagex made it official and introduced the new clan system. While there are various platforms where you can find OSRS clans if you want to join one, this new OSRS Clan Spotlight series will bring you a different insight into what to expect from some of the top OSRS clans, with unique interviews with the clan leadership.

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Clan Name: Mystix
Founding Date: 
August 7th, 2024
Clan size: 150+
Primary language: English

This week’s clan spotlight is on Mystix, a fast growing medium sized community filled with both banter and empathy, rivalry and friendship, and events and competitions that keep everyone engaged!

What inspired you to start your own clan in OSRS?

Mystix was first founded about six years ago as a small, vibrant community filled with positive vibes and strong social bonds. Back then, we believed that by merging with another clan, we could expand and share our sense of community even further. However, we soon realized that while we gained more members, we also inherited new challenges. Over time, these challenges shifted the atmosphere of the clan. After managing the merged clan for three years, many members began to feel a sense of disconnect. The values and joy that once defined Mystix seemed to fade. The original founders of Mystix alongside the amazing people we had met throughout the journey soon realized that we had outgrown the merged clan. The other moderators from the other CC no longer aligned with the core values that Mystix was built on. We decided it was time to part ways, start fresh, and reignite the spirit of what Mystix used to be. Surprisingly, after recreating the clan, former members who cherished the nostalgia and joy of the old days began to flood back in, alongside new members who wanted to experience it as well. Within just a month and a half, Mystix grew to an impressive 150+ members, each one reconnecting with the positive energy and community spirit that had once made us so special.

What makes your clan different from other OSRS clans?

At Mystix, we’re all about keeping things fair, fun, and welcoming. Our moderators take a lot of pride in how they handle stuff behind the scenes. Whether it’s sorting out issues or making sure things run smoothly, they’ve got a great system that keeps everyone safe and happy. We don’t do drama—we solve problems quickly so everyone can just enjoy the game.

What really makes Mystix special is the mix of people we’ve got. Our clan is super diverse, and every member brings their own personality and vibe, which makes it such a cool place to hang out. It’s the perfect spot to meet new people, learn some new skills, and find friends who are into the same stuff as you.

When it comes to activities, we’ve got the usual stuff — OSRS Bingo, Skill of the Week, Boss of the Week, plus fun things like drop parties and holiday events. But what really sets us apart is our creativity. We love to come up with our own events, like turning real-life board games into OSRS-style games, like Snakes and Ladders or Monopoly. These custom games give us a unique twist that you won’t find in other clans—it keeps things fresh and exciting.

So, whether you’re here for competitive gaming or just to chill and make some new friends, Mystix is the place where you can have fun, grow as a player, and enjoy a laid-back community that feels like home.

How would you describe the overall culture and atmosphere of your clan?

In one word? Banter. Lots of it! At Mystix, we love to joke around and keep things light-hearted. You’ll probably think we’re a bunch of trolls when you first join — and honestly, you wouldn’t be wrong! But that’s just because we don’t take things too seriously. We want everyone to feel comfortable, be themselves, and have a good time. No need to feel shy or hold back your personality. Whether it’s your religion, sexual orientation, or whatever else makes you unique, we celebrate it all here.

What sets Mystix apart is how we always notice your achievements. Whether it’s hitting a new milestone or doing something awesome in-game, we make sure to give you the recognition you deserve. That’s why we have things like Member of the Month—we love showing off our members who put in the hard work. No matter how big or small, we see it all and make sure you know your efforts are appreciated.

Can you share a particularly memorable event that your clan has organized? One of our most memorable events was the Tile Race Bingo we hosted recently. It was intense! Everyone was tryharding, and there was plenty of friendly banter and light-hearted goading. The highlight, though, was when both teams landed on the same difficult tile, which involved taking on Nex. One team wasn’t sure how to handle it, and instead of trash-talking or leaving them behind, the other team suggested that everyone worked together. The plan was simple: whichever team got the drop would move forward, but a volunteer from the other team would still help out so everyone could progress. Ironically, no one managed to get the drop, so we all agreed to move on anyway. It was a hilarious moment, but it really showed the strength of our community. Even with the rivalry, the spirit of helping each other never faded. It was a great reminder that in Mystix, competition doesn’t get in the way of being decent and supportive of each other.

What types of events and activities does your clan regularly host?

At Mystix, we love keeping things lively with a mix of regular events and fun activities. Here’s a taste of what we regularly host:

Tile Race Bingo/Bingo: This high-energy event combines a classic bingo game with a competitive tile race. It’s a great way to get everyone engaged and having fun, with plenty of friendly competition and banter.

Skill of the Week: Each week, we spotlight a different skill for members to focus on. It’s a fantastic way to encourage skill development and celebrate progress.

Boss of the Week: We pick a boss for everyone to tackle together, promoting team play and giving members a chance to work on their PvM skills in a group setting.

Drop Parties and Holiday Events: We love celebrating in style with special drop parties and festive events tied to holidays. These events are perfect for bringing everyone together for some extra fun.

Custom Board Games: We get creative by turning real-life board games into OSRS-style events, like Snakes and Ladders or Monopoly. These unique activities add a personal touch and keep things exciting.

Bossing/Learning Session: We love to promote new content to our members and guide them along the way. We understand how important account progression is so were here to help you get past the new content jitters.

Other/Random Events: Were not just limited with the events above. We at Mystix love our members to host and promote their own events and will always be there to support you.

What events you haven’t done already but are eager to host in the future?

In the future, we’re really excited about hosting a Clan vs. Clan event. We’ve got great relationships with several other clans, and the idea of facing off against them in a friendly competition is something we’re looking forward to.

Picture a high-energy showdown where Mystix takes on another clan in a series of challenges and activities. Whether it’s PvM battles, skill competitions, or custom in-game challenges, this event would be an awesome way to test our skills, strengthen bonds with other clans, and enjoy some friendly rivalry.

The beauty of a Clan vs. Clan event is the variety of activities we can include. From intense boss fights to creative mini-games and collaborative puzzles, we can mix things up and make it a memorable experience for everyone involved.

We’re thrilled about the chance to showcase our teamwork and strategy while celebrating the broader OSRS community. This event promises to be a highlight for us, and we can’t wait to make it happen!

What’s the biggest drama or conflict you’ve had to deal with as a clan owner, and how did you resolve it?

As a relatively new clan, we’ve definitely faced our share of drama. With new members joining, differing personalities can lead to conflicts, and sometimes issues like arguments in Discord or potential scammers can arise.

One notable situation involved a member who, while fun and engaging, clashed with several others in the clan. We had to address this carefully because, despite the tensions, we valued the member and wanted to handle things with fairness and respect.

We started by giving clear verbal warnings and having open, holistic conversations with the member. We explained our system for dealing with issues, which is based on the severity and impact of the offense. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, it became clear that for the sake of maintaining a positive community environment, we needed to part ways with this member.

We handled the situation with as much kindness and respect as possible. We explained our decision clearly and offered the possibility of returning in the future under a probationary period, should they wish to rejoin. This approach not only helped in resolving the immediate conflict but also led to a positive outcome, with some involved members extending apologies and everyone moving forward in a better place.

What’s the most wholesome moment you’ve witnessed in your clan?

One of the most heartwarming moments we’ve seen in Mystix is how everyone comes together to support each other, not just in-game but also in real life. Whenever someone needs advice or help, whether it’s about gameplay or something more personal, our members are always ready to lend a hand.

We’ve had times when clan members have shared real-life challenges or difficulties they’re going through, and it’s been amazing to see the outpouring of support. Whether someone’s dealing with a tough situation or just needs a listening ear, the community here steps up in a big way.

Members offer their advice, share their own experiences, and really provide a shoulder to lean on. It’s a reminder that Mystix is more than just a gaming clan—it’s a supportive and caring community where people genuinely look out for each other.

These moments of solidarity and empathy really highlight the best of our clan and make us proud of the close-knit, compassionate group we’ve built. It’s these acts of kindness that make Mystix feel like a true family.

What are some of the biggest changes you’ve implemented in the clan over time?

Over time, we’ve made some significant changes to improve the Mystix experience for everyone. Here are a few of the biggest updates we’ve implemented:

Revamping Our Discord: We’re currently in the process of tidying up our Discord server to make it more user-friendly and easier to navigate. This involves reorganizing channels, improving the layout, and streamlining communication to ensure that finding information and joining conversations is a breeze. Our goal is to create a space where everyone can quickly access what they need and stay connected without any hassle.

Expanding Activities: We’ve been busy adding more activities and events to keep things fresh and engaging. From new weekly competitions and themed events to creative mini-games and collaborative challenges, we’re focused on providing a diverse range of activities that cater to different interests. This variety helps keep the community active and ensures that there’s always something fun for everyone to enjoy.

Strengthening Our Justice System: To maintain a positive and fair environment, we’ve also worked on solidifying our justice system. We’ve refined our processes for handling conflicts and issues to ensure that decisions are made fairly and transparently. By clearly defining how we address problems and enforce rules, we aim to create a supportive and respectful community where everyone feels safe and valued.

How do you handle recruitment and ensure new members fit well with the clan’s culture?

At Mystix, we believe in a community-driven approach to recruitment. Everyone in the clan can invite new members because we trust the judgment of our members to bring in people who will fit well with our culture. This open approach helps us grow and ensures that new members are introduced by those who already know and understand our vibe.

Of course, we know that everyone has their ups and downs, and sometimes new members might bring personal challenges or negative vibes with them. We always try to offer support and understanding, recognizing that life can be tough for everyone. Our goal is to help them integrate positively into the community and provide a friendly and supportive environment.

However, if we find that a new member is causing ongoing issues or negatively impacting the clan’s atmosphere despite our best efforts to support them, we may have to take action to maintain the peace and positive culture within Mystix. This decision is never made lightly, and we always aim to handle such situations with kindness and respect.

What’s the best way for players interested in joining your clan to contact you?

Just hop into our Discord or join our clan as a guest and say “can someone invite me?” You’ll always immediately find someone at the Grand Exchange ready to help you out!

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