OSRS memes: GOTR’s “Fucking irons” explained

Guardians of the Rift / GOTR minigame in Old School RuneScape, maenmiu logo

The “fucking irons” meme, mostly seen after unsuccessful GOTR attempts, represents a hidden acknowledgement of the players who chose the ironman game mode in Old School RuneScape.

“Fucking Irons” is a meme that has emerged within the community, specifically targeting the Ironman mode players, after the launch of the Runecrafting minigame, Guardians of the Rift. Guardians of the Rift was Released in March 2022 as a more interactive way to obtain Runecraft XP and it also represents the only way to obtain both the Colossal pouch and the Runecraft outfit, the Raiment of the Eye. The Ironman mode is a challenging and unique way to play the game, where players are completely self-sufficient and cannot trade with others. Because of the trade restrictions they need to engage in all sorts of activities they wouldn’t otherwise and need to train specific skills before other skills if they want to be efficient.

Since the minigame is the only way to obtain untradeable uniques that will improve both your quality of life when runecrafting and the amount of runes you can make in one trip, but also because it feels less boring and less grindy than traditional Runecraft methods, it is a must-do for both regular accounts as well as ironman accounts.

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Origin and Development

The “Fucking Irons” meme originated as a playful jab at the Ironman player base in Old School RuneScape. It started appearing in various online forums, social media platforms, and within the game itself. While the ironmen in Old School RuneScape had been a target for serious and not so serious blames ever since the introduction of the game mode back in 2014, this meme is an insult in its appearence. However, behind it there’s a lot of appreciation for the self sufficient way in which some players chose to enjoy the game. It is the reversed of the “ironman btw” meme which, on short, relates to the pride of having an ironman account where any achievement is even more of an achievement because of the restrictions, and most grinds are longer.

However, the “fucking iron” meme started spreading heavily only after the launch of Guardians of the Rift and it is extremely common to see at least a few players using it after each defeat experienced at the GOTR minigame.

This has to do with the take that since ironman players are used to being self sufficient and having to engage in every single aspect of the game in order to meaningfully progress their accounts, it is their responsibility to make sure that the barriers are holding and the round is not lost and carry the game.

When the barriers fall and the guardian is defeated ending the round prematurely there are no Runecraft XP benefits for any of the participants. The natural response of the community has become jokingly blaming the irons. This is despite the fact that all of the players engaged in the minigame have the same reduced XP and time waste if the round is lost and therefore it is in everyone’s interest that more players, regardless of their ironman status, engage in the necessary steps that ensure the success of the round such as placing cells for the barriers.
While most players understand this, some choose to overcome the team failure with humour by apparently putting the blame on the irons, but at the same time recognizing the challenges this game mode imposes.

Cultural Impact in OSRS Community

The meme has become a popular way for players to bond over shared experiences in the game. It creates a sense of camaraderie among both Ironman players and the broader OSRS community. “Fucking Irons” often sparks light-hearted rivalry between Ironman players and regular players. This rivalry adds an extra layer of enjoyment and engagement in the game’s community. The meme has inadvertently increased the visibility of Ironman mode, attracting new players to try this challenging game style.
Ultimately this meme is also a way of saying that it is pointless to blame, but take responsibility and keep the barriers charged especially at the start of the round.

Responses from the Community and Developers

The reaction to the “Fucking Irons” meme has been generally positive within the OSRS community. Many players appreciate the humour and see it as a harmless way to poke fun at a specific playstyle. The game’s developers, Jagex, have not officially commented on the meme but are known for their appreciation of community-created content and humour.

Final thoughts

The “Fucking Irons” meme is a testament to the vibrant and dynamic culture that surrounds Old School RuneScape. It highlights the game’s ability to foster a community that can share jokes, experiences, and challenges and it represents an indirect response to the “ironman btw” meme, while carrying a lot more meaning to it. As OSRS continues to thrive, the meme remains a symbol of the game’s enduring appeal and the unique bond shared by its players, especially while runecrafting.

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